Our Services

US Wound Care & Hyperbaric Centers provide a full complement of services to promote wound prevention, heal wounds and preserve limbs. Our world class teams of physicians and health care professionals offer specialized outpatient care for chronic and non-healing wounds. A wound that does not respond to conventional care within 30 days is considered a chronic wound. Without proper and aggressive treatment, these wounds can greatly affect quality of life and may lead to limb amputation.


Our services include wound debridement & dressing selection, laboratory assessments, physical therapy, dietary and nutritional consultations, patient education, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. 
US Wound Care & Hyperbaric Centers offers a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to management of diabetes and chronic wounds. We offer these services as staffed and staff-managed solutions.


In addition, US Wound Care & Hyperbaric Centers engages with strategic partners in your community to offer Specialty & Infusion Pharmacy as well as infusion suites to treat patients with a wide range of health conditions.  Services include inotropic therapy, anti-virals, IV antibiotics, hydration, TPN, IVIG, biologics and other specialty injectibles.